This has been fun.

Her party was Sunday night and we had Southwest Chili Soup with Cake & Ice Cream (and strawberries). It was quite a treat. All of the kids had a fun time and got along for the most part which will make any party a success. Here is the video of Roz when we sang happy birthday to her...
She is such a sweet little thing lately. I love the way that she tries to repeat everything you say. I love how she always has a hug and a kiss for you when you arrive or leave (even if you are just leaving the room). I love her crazy hair and her little tantrams at night when she doesn't want to go to bed. I love how she loves me unconditionally even when I'm not a good mommy to her some days and I love that God chose ME to be her mom...what a special task. I think back to when she was born...she was so small and there were so many questions that we had about her and her growth and developement and God has worked out all of those things. She is just as normal as any other 2 year old. One thing that was never a question thought was how much I loved her and would do anything for her. Having kids really does change everything. I remember when I found out that I was pregnant the second time and being so worried that I wouldn't be able to love her as much as I love Molly. God does amazing things to mother's hearts when their children are born and I instantly had as much love for her as I did for Molly. I hate to sound prejudice but I have to be the luckiest mommy on earth to have these 2 precious girls. Thank you God for allowing me to be a mother...and forgiving me when I mess up constantly.
Until next time....