Here goes nothing....
Our vacation was good. We left Wednesday afternoon around 3:00pm and arrived in Montgomery at 7:15am Thursday morning. Molly did excellent. She watched movies and colored the entire time. She had no trouble going to sleep and actually slept from around 9:30 until 6:15 or so. I was super proud of her. Roz, well she was a little different story. You have to understand that she is completely uninterested in movies 0r books so it was a little harder with her. She made it for a couple of hours and then started fussing. We stopped to eat around 6 and that seemed to help. We took our time and let the girls stretch. When we got back in the car she did fine until about 9. We stopped again, put on their pj's and gave Roz some milk & Tylenol. She calmed right down and went to sleep fairly easily. Once she was asleep she only woke once when we stopped to get gas and then had little trouble going back to sleep. Ryan and I on the other hand didn't fair so good with the whole sleeping thing. Our car is just too small to travel in. It took us most of the day on Thursday to recover. All in all it was fine.
Here is how the days shaped up from our arrival:
Not much went on. We rested as much as possible. Ryan got the jeep out and running and then we went to Shawna & Marks for dinner. It was great and Ryan was so glad to have steak since we rarely get that luxury here. We had way too much to eat but I just couldn't stop myself (a theme that seemed to repeat itself through most of the trip). Molly and Allison did sparklers after supper and Shawna, Mark & Allison took Molly with them to see the fireworks at Boggs. The rest of us were just too pooped. I couldn't believe how late it gets dark! That was the hardest thing to get used to. Molly didn't get home until 11 and by the time I gave her a bath I was almost in the zombie state. She had a great time though and I was glad that she got to go. Here are some pics of her and Allison doing sparklers.
Allison & Molly with the sparklers
Roz found a floaty in the garage
Roz had a hard time adjusting to the new setting for sleeping. She didn't get much of a nap and when we put her to bed that night she only cried for a few minutes. When I went to check on her this is what I found...
Poor thing couldn't bare to give up and lay down. Needless to say she slept well and didn't get up until 9:30 on Friday which basically never happens.
Friday the 4th:
I got up and ran around town. I couldn't believe the difference in running on flat ground verses adding a few hills. The hills really kicked my butt! (More on that later). Marcy had a cookout planned for noon. It was a fun time for everyone. Most of Ryan's family was there at some point, my friend Jamie (Ryan's cousin somehow) and roommate from college was there with her boys and it was so good to see her. I love seeing old friends and catching up. I always wish that we would have had more time but I'll take anything. We had some good laughs remembering old times.
One thing that is foreign to me is that when Ryan's family gets together it pretty well lasts all day. Like I said, the cookout started at noon and I think that the last people were leaving at 10pm. It was a long day but good to get to visit with everyone in one shot. Shawna & Allison came and I don't think that Molly and Allison were in the house the entire day for more than 20 minutes total. They really played well together and had so much fun. Here are some pics:
Molly and her famous 4th of July Jello Flag
Rozy and Uncle Bob (Roz tends to make her rounds with whoever has food)
Rozy & G'pa Charley
G'ma Marcy & the girls on the mule
Not much happened on Saturday. Ryan and his family worked at the "farm" (a little campground that they own) while the girls and I hung out at the house. We picked up lunch for everyone and had a subway picnic then watched Ryan work on the tractor pulling down trees before heading home for naps. I think everything caught up to the girls because they both slept until almost 6. Ryan and I had a little date in the jeep and went to the Freedom Shootout go-cart race. It was interesting....enough said. We enjoyed driving around with the top off and surveying all the things that have changed south of town. It was a fun night. Here are some pics from our picnic:

Rozy & Uncle Kenny
Molly & Ryan

Molly, Aunt Kay & Roz watching Ryan on the tractor
The Abels with our 5th family member (the jeep)
I got up on Sunday thinking it was the perfect day to do my long run for the week. I mapped out a run that was around 5.75 miles and took off. I rounded the curved from Old Hwy 50 onto Sportmans road and realized that I had never noticed the huge hill that lied ahead. I was completely out of my element and had to walk for about 5 minutes after I made the corner by Aunt Marita's house to recover. I couldn't believe how much difference the terrain makes. I am just glad that I will be running my 1st marathon in Florida...that was a close one! Then it was off to Greta & Shawn's for a fine feast. We had a great meal and visit and the girls got along perfectly. Roz had a hard time not being allowed to climb the stairs but it was a good time none-the-less.
Sunday night we headed out to Maddi's other grandparents for an early birthday party. Molly got to go early for some buggy rides with Allison, Maddi & Karla (who had never been) and then the rest of us came for dinner. It was fabulous! Ryan said it was the best meal ever and I had to agree. Now we have had a lot of good food in our lives but this was just awesome...Thanks Marge! Here are the pics:
The girls blowing out Maddi's candles
Taking a ride in the pony cart

Rozy, Aunt Karla & the baby puppy
We went to visit g'ma Needie on Monday and had a really good visit. I learned a little more about her family which was interesting to hear. I know very little about her family and enjoyed learning more about my past. The girls did fairly well and she loved seeing them. Then for dinner we went to Mi Pueblo with the Thompsons. It was awesome food and spending time with Brooke is always good for me. I miss the close friendships that I had before I moved. It is hard to meet a friend and have the same bond as what you have with someone that you have known since the beginning of time. I have that bond with Brooke and we tend to pick up like we never missed a beat when we are together. Our kids played together great and that just gave us more time to gab. Here are the pics:
Molly & Great G'ma Needie

Molly, Roz & Great G'ma Needie
Molly, Reed & Willow
We didn't do much but pack and load the car on Tuesday. We left around 1:20 and arrived home at 5:10 on Wednesday. Molly did excellent again and Roz much the same as the first trip. All in all it was a good vacation and we are still getting back in the swing of thing here now. Until next time.....