Saturday, May 31, 2008
I almost forgot...again

It sure has been a busy week! I have been super confused because of Monday's holiday but I guess here we are at the weekend again which is always good. I posted a slideshow so that you can see what we have been up to this week. Wednesday night we went to mom's for supper and I caught Roz trying to have mulch as dessert...she is so hard to keep up with. I guess a little wood won't kill her.
Molly finished up with swimming lessons. She did so good and I hope that we can keep her in the water so that she stays familiar. She really enjoyed it and already looks forward to next year's lessons with Miss Haylee.
Thursday was Molly's last day of preschool:( We had a great experience at Promiseland and hope that next year at Calvary will be equally good. Her friends Lily and Jonah will be moving to Calvary too so that should help. Also Maddi is planning to attend there and a couple more kids from Church so it should be fun. I am anxious to see how 5 days a week will go but I guess they have to start sometime. At least it won't be full days, her hours will be 8:30 to 12:30. I just have to make it through the summer....
So anyway we went to the fountains on friday with the whole preschool to celebrate the end of school and beginning of summer. Molly had her last swim lesson right before so I am going to say that she was tired but it was typical...Roz had a blast and Molly klung to my hip the whole time. It is super frustrating sometimes. I should learn...that's just how it goes sometimes. And of course when we got in the car to leave she talked about how much fun it was.
Well I need to get busy finishing my bookwork before continuing another fun weekend. We are going to celebrate the end of swim lessons with the Steed's tonite and then hopefully regroup tomorrow before the another week begins.
Have a good one!!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Swim, swim, swim
This last picture is of Roz when we made her get out because her lips were turning blue and her chin was quivering uncontrollably. She still through a fit and wanted back in. I am sure that the water will warm up quickly and that won't be an issue in a couple of days. Here's too a summer full of swimming....

Monday, May 26, 2008
Pictures as promised
By the way, at the library I got that book Eat, Pray, Love (because of seeing it on Oprah) and I got no further than the 2nd chapter before it was referencing God as whoever you make it. I just can't believe the things that Oprah is endorsing these days...don't waste your time on the book, I will be returning it without reading it. Also, does anyone have any book suggestions? I really want a good book but don't know where to start.
This last picture is at my parent's cookout on Sunday. Shawn & Elise Schrock were there with their 10 day old baby Owen. He was so precious! His skin was flawless and he is very handsome. Molly was so intrigued. She just wanted to hold him the whole time. I have to admit that it made me sad that we won't have anymore babies. Holding babies like this one is definately bad for the "no more kids" philosophy. Maybe it was just the whole turning 30 thing too...whatever it was I am glad that I awoke this morning back to my old philosophy and can focus on raising the two wonderful girls that I have to the best of my abilities with God's direction and help. Ahhh...that was a close one.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Happy Memorial Day
Yesterday was a great day! I had a morning race on the beach. It was gorgeous out there! The wind was blowing enough to make it not too hot and the waves were crashing. I don't know how anyone can deny there is a God when witnessing that. It was supposed to start at 7:30 a.m. but was delayed 30 minutes because the sea turtles were blocking the route. Ryan and the girls came out to cheer me on and ended up making for the start instead of just the finish. They ended up re-routing the course and no turtles were harmed. I had my best 5K time at 24:29. I was rather proud of myself because the sand can be quite a challenge to run in.
Then after work we went shopping for a little while before coming home for nap time. We got the kids up and headed to grandma's to drop off the kidos so that Ryan and I could have a nice dinner at Stonewood Grill. It was so good and it is nice to spend time alone with Ryan...I most of the time have to fight 2 other girls for his attention. After dinner it was movie time at the dollar theatre. We seen the 'bucket list' and it was pretty good. We haven't seen a really good movie in a long time and have a horrible track record at picking bad ones so this was a nice change. When we got home G'ma & G'pa had the kids bathed & sleeping in there beds which was awesome! What a day!
Did I mention that Sunday is my 30th b-day? I guess that is the cause for all the fun stuff. I was completly terrified of turning the big 3 0 at the beginning of the year but have decided to embrace the decade instead. I look forward to it as possibly the best years of my life. I am so much more comfortable with myself now than I was in my early 20's that it has to make for a smoother period of life...right?!?!
I also have a huge praise report. Ryan and I are now debt free (except for our mortgage of course). We have been working really hard since mid-february and have sent our last payment out to become debt free once again. God has been so good to us and increased our faith tremendously through this whole experience. It is has been such a faith-builder and a lesson that if we are faithful with what we are given we will be returned it several times over.
I guess that is all for now. I will try and take some pics today and tomorrow so that I have some to post tomorrow. Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Molly's Program
I am also posting some pics of the girls at the park on Sunday. They love to play at the park and so we met G'ma Dee Dee, Papaw Kevin, & Maddi on Sunday afternoon for some playtime. It was really nice under the tree but the girls were still sweating when we left.
I got our bikes in working order and on tuesday evening after dinner the whole famdamily went for a bike ride. It was really fun and the girls seemed to enjoy it. Hopefully we will make that an event that happens often. It was cooler because of the wind but we were all still sweaty when we got home. We went into a really nice area down the road with alot of ponds and we even spotted an alligator! Molly was a little bit scared because we could get so close (it had nothing to do with all of the teasing coming from her dad...ha, ha) but it really was cool to see him just swimming around out there in the lake. I don't know if Roz seen him or not. She was too busy singing away.
We went to mom's for dinner last night and Roz had her first ear of corn on the cob. I had forgot my camera but mom got a couple of good pics. I will post them as soon as I get copies.
One last photo from Roz. She loves the remote and here she had stole it and was 'lounging' on the chair.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
I almost forgot
Another Week Gone...
Molly starts swimming lessons on monday night. It should be fun and I look forward to her being able to swim better. It is just such a job to take both kids to the pool maybe this will help!
Until next time!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Monday we went to an Irish restaurant in Venice for Marcy's birthday. It was really nice and the food was great. We took pictures but they are on Marcy's camera so I will try and post them this week.
Until next time.....

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!
And I can't forget to tell you about Molly's Diva Day! She went with Grandma Dee Dee and Maddi to a fund raiser at Abundant Life Chruch and came home a complete diva! She had such a good time getting her hair done, a pedicure & manicure and temporary tattoos. She is definately all girl!

Friday, May 9, 2008
Pictures to Share!
Thursday, May 8, 2008

Monday, May 5, 2008
Well I have to admit that I am hooked. I think this blogging is awesome but I can't quite figure out how to redo my site. Hopefully I can get some help in the next few days. Everything is pretty good here in sunny florida. It is getting warmer everyday and my morning jogs are getting a lighter and hotter everyday. I sure won't complain though as I do love the weather here. Molly and I planted some seeds that aunt Karla sent her today. Hopefully they will sprout before our company is comes next week. Grandma Marcy, Aunt Kay and Aunt Renita will be arriving late on Saturday night and staying for a week. We look forward to seeing them all! Roz is walking everywhere now although she is still somewhat unsteady. It is just so cute to watch her. Boy it does go so quickly. I also posted a picture of our house since so many of our friends and family have never had a chance to visit. It is cozy and all that we need for this period in our lives. Until next time......
Friday, May 2, 2008
Roz is finally walking! She still forgets and crawls from time to time so we have to remind her by saying "Roz, stand up and walk" and she will. She is such a stinker. I think that she has been mad at me all week for leaving her last weekend while Ryan, Molly and I went to Disney. She had a great time with Grandma Dee Dee but was mad at me none-the-less. Molly had a wonderful time at Disney. She got to meet all of the princesses, be a part of the play for storytime with Belle and all the other fun things for 4 year olds to do at Disney. It was a lot of fun for Ryan and I as well since neither one of us had been there before. Our hotel was super nice too and Molly said several times that it was the most wonderful birthday ever! I am so glad she enjoyed it.