Monday, December 29, 2008
Holly Jolly Christmas
Christmas eve we attended our early Church service geared more for the kidos. It was cute with a puppet show and kids singing Christmas carols. Then we were off to Jack & Candy's for the Knepp's southern addition. It was nice and it seems like more and more of my family are here in Florida now. Afterward we were sure to get our letter to Santa and cookies and milk out. Molly was terrified that she wasn't going to get to bed in time and Santa was going to skip right over our house. It was a restless night for me doing some last minute rapping and preparations and then when Molly was up at 5:45 am I was exhausted. We held her off until around 7 when we finally woke Roz who was considerably less enthused. Everyone seemed to get what they wanted most from Santa and the day was off and running with a great start. Marcy and Charley arrived around 9 and then my parents and Artie came for lunch at 12. Molly then went with my parents to the pinecraft parade around 3 so that everyone could have a little break from the action. It was a nice day and the part I enjoyed the most was being able to enjoy it at home with my girls and family. Traveling to IN for Christmas is nice but there is nothing like home.
That pretty much sums up our activities for the Holidays. Now the fun part of taking down the decorations and storing them ever so carefully until next year is upon us. No plans for New Years Eve or Day to speak of.
Until next time....
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Just a smile...
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The MOST wonderful time of the year...
Ryan and Roz watching a Christmas movie
Molly and her 'masterpiece' cookies
Until next time....
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Home again...
Well we made it back to Florida Sunday morning around 6:15 am. I think...I was totally delirious. That traveling through the night twice in one week was too much for me. Sleep was impossible when we got home since the girls had slept most of the night and were raring to go. Finding a sitter at 6:15 am on Sunday is also impossible so needless to say I wasn't worth a darn on Sunday...or Monday for that matter. We did get our Christmas tree and decorations put up yesterday. It was so much fun putting them up with the girls. Roz did take a nap and gave Molly and I some time to finish up. Molly was so good...she knew exactly were she wanted to put everything and I must admit she has a great sense of style (most of the time).
As for our trip, it went good. We got to see most of our family and enjoy the cold weather for a change. Molly spent a lot of time playing with Allison. They played so good I was totally amazed. I know that I only heard of them fighting once or twice which is a big change from when her and Maddi get together. I guess it is always fun to play with someone new and Allison seems so easy to get along with. She is so soft it is unbelievable. Especially compared to Molly. One day we went to visit my Grandma Needie and Shawna & Allison went with us. As we were leaving the parking lot I asked if everyone was buckled in only to look back and see Allison tearing up. She couldn't get her seatbelt buckled. If that was Molly there would have been lots of screaming and thrashing but not Allison...only tears for her. She is so sweet. Being around her and Shawna make me wish that we could live closer...or better yet they could live here.
I got all of my training runs in while there. It was a challenge finding routes to run and trying to stay warm and out of the wind. The hills there were definately not easy and my thighs were burning for several days but all in all I am sure it was good for me...especially after consuming all of that turkey, dressing & dessert on Thanksgiving.
Marcy & Charley were the best hosts as usual. They always make us feel right at home and I appreciate them more and more every year!
Now onto another busy week of work, school (for Molly & Ryan) and preparing for the Holidays...the MOST wonderful time of the year.
Oh yeah, we are potty training Roz this week so please say a little prayer for me...I hate messes!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, to IN we go....
I am really starting to notice their different personalities. Molly is all about the big picture. She is not concerned with 'details'. She wants to learn as much as possible about any and everything. I can't wait to see what she becomes! Roz on the other hand is all about the details. The other day her and Molly were chasing each other through the house and I seen Roz stop to fix the corner of the rug that was turned that is a child after my own heart! Either way I am so proud of the both of them...and that God made them so unique.
I finished my 16 mile run yesterday. It was not easy...I had to stop for walk breaks in the last few miles...but complete it I did. I felt such a sense of accomplishment when I was finished, and was terribly frightened of having to do 10 more miles for the marathon. I can't wait!
Well I need to get going. I will post pictures soon. Have a great Thanksgiving!
Until next time....

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Catching up...
We are planning to come to IN for Thanksgiving this year and hopefully everyone will be well enough to travel. (Feel free to pray for health and safety for us if you get the chance.) It should be a nice time and hopefully the weather will be cool enough for the girls and Ryan to get their winter fix.
I have taken some time off of my training schedule due to the stomach flu. Hopefully it won't do too much damage on race day. I plan to be back on track next week...hopefully God has the same plans;)
The girls are up to the much of the same: being cute then terrible then cute again. I love them dearly and it is a good thing sometimes.
I will leave you with a slideshow of the last few weeks.
Until next time....

Saturday, November 1, 2008
13.6 and counting....
Have a great weekend and I will post more about all of us later.
Until next time....

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Parent Teacher Conferences, Sports & Cold....

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Marcy Update
As for us, we are on the mend as well. Molly missed school Wednesday - Friday but is showing signs of improvement today and I am sure she will be back to school on Monday. Roz is acting her normal crazy self again and everyone slept through the night last night...yeah! Hopefully next week will be a little bit more normal.
Until next time....

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Abel Family Update
There is this patch of flowers (weeds) in our back yard that the girls love to play in. I just can't stand to get rid of it so I don't. They love to pick flowers for me and I have to admit that I love getting them.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Marcy Update 10:24 am Oct 20, 2008
Ryan made it home to us yesterday around 1 pm. We were all so glad to have him back! It is amazing how much of the load that he bears around here. I appreciate him more and more every second. That is all I can say about that without embarrassing him too terribly much.
Renita is still in Nashville with Marcy and Charley returned to Montgomery this morning for a few days of work. We are kinda playing thing by ear but hopefully Marcy can come home this weekend. There will be a long road to recovery but having her closer to family and friends will be a big help.
Until I know more.....

Saturday, October 18, 2008
Good News Update 3:21 pm 10/18/08
This is awesome news and we are so thankful for the results. None-the-less, 7 more days in the hospital is not a vacation so please keep Marcy in your prayers for that time.
I will continue to keep you posted with updates as I get them.
Until next time....

Friday, October 17, 2008
G'ma Marcy Update 9:41 pm 10/17/08
The girls and I have survived a day without Ryan...although it was not fun, we did make it. I didn't realize the wonderful helper he is to me and how much the girls depend on him. I hope he knows how much we love and appreciate having him around.
Until tomorrow....

Grandma Marcy
Please keep Marcy in your prayers along with Ryan, Renita, Charley and all of her caregivers and physicians. I will try and update this site with any new information as soon as I recieve it. If you have specific questions/comments my email is
My girls and I are really sad so it might help for you to pray for us too.

Saturday, October 11, 2008
10.7 and counting....
I hope that training keeps going so well, I stay injury free (my bum leg is lots better) and the weather continues to cooperate. 26.2 here I come........

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Videos and Tag
I also got 'tagged' by Susie G. This could be fun so here are 6 rarely known things about me.
1. I am NOT creative but would love to be...I enjoy digi scrapping but have to admit that it is a huge challenge for me.
2. I love to run...running is a bit of an addiction for me and I have to really focus on not letting it take over my life.
3. I look forward to retirement, already.
4. Having a premature baby was the hardest thing that I have had to face in my life (thus far). I can see that God has used that time to grow me but I honestly don't know if I could do that again.
5. I have a tattoo...being 18 was quite an experience for me.
6. I am highly emotional...I can cry over almost anything...good or bad.
Boy I have to admit that was tough...I just don't know many things that everyone doesn't already know about me. I hope you enjoy.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
Happy Anniversary to Us...
It all started when my mom was pregnant with me and Ryan was a newborn. My mom attended the grand march for Prom in the spring of '78 and Marcy was there as well showing off her newborn baby boy. Since it was late in my mom's pregnancy, she was drawn to the new baby that Marcy was so proud of. She held Ryan that night and I like to tease Ryan that his fate was sealed at that point!
Although it was a magical beginning, things weren't always wonderful. We dated off and on for 9 long years. I wanted to marry Ryan early on but am so glad that he didn't decide that I was the one until the perfect time. God had a plan for us.
We got married on a beautiful day in October 2002. Our marriage isn't without trials but I love Ryan more than words can say. He is my friend, companion, cheerleader, counselor and more. I couldn't have imagined life this good with someone if you would have asked me to. He constantly amazes me with his ability to handle the kids, college, work, home & family without complaining or compromising his values or standards. He is the most respectful, courteous and kind person, and such a wonderful example for our girls. I laugh and tease him that they are going to have such high standards for boyfriends that they will never find someone to live up to the example he has set. I feel so lucky to have him as my husband!
Here's to many, many more years together.....

Happy Birthday Renita!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Yeah Fall!!!
Marathon training has been going well for the most part. I have a weird right leg injury or strain. I am not sure what happened but it is sore in different areas. As soon as I get one area fixed up another seems to be sore. Hopefully it is nothing big and I will soon be injury free and on my way to the 26.2 mile race! I ran 7 miles last weekend without a hitch but kringe at the thought that I am only about 1/4 of the way there. I'll keep you updated.
Molly had her school pictures taken today. I ordered the smallest package not expecting a great picture. I'm sure it will be interesting. Molly has been in trouble at school at lot lately and I was mostly freaking out about it until a good friend reminded me that kids are not totally a reflection of their parents and overall she is a great kid. I get so worked up over these things and picture the future as so bleak and than remember that my God loves Molly more than I do and he desires great things for her...what a comfort!
Here is a video of Roz yesterday. She is just so fun (most of the time) right now. I love her expressions and how she loves to love on me. She is very much a cuddler and I love that about her.
Another thing I have been into lately is One of the mother's at Molly's school told me about it and it has really worked for us. We have saved over $60 in 3 weeks! I recommend it highly...and if you decide to try it use me for a reference ( I think I earn free weeks or something. The way it works is that you pay $10 for 8 weeks. On Sunday you log on and get a list of the items on sale at your grocery store of choice, match the sales with coupons from the Sunday papers and voila....tons of savings. It is like a game and so far has been lots of fun. Let me know if it works for you.
Here are some pictures of Molly before school yesterday. She loves riding her bike to school and gets lots of attention from her classmates when she does. I like to let her do it because I can't imagine us living this close to her school for many years. Roz loves it too, we walk with her and Roz rides in the stroller.
Molly has been improving her reading skills tremendously over the last couple of weeks. She is just like a sponge and reads almost everything she can get her hands on. I hope that we can nuture that in her and she can gain all kinds of knowledge from books.
Roz is saying more words and has began to put 2 and 3 words together. She is growing so fast! She is such a little stinker and has really been using her climbing skills to get into trouble lately. Her latest thing is to climb on top of our desk and push the buttons on the printer and computer. She loves to explore and has enjoyed getting to play outside on the swingset again now that the evenings are a little cooler.
Well that is what has been going on here the last week. Until next time.....
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Home sweet home!
The events that transpired requiring me to leave my family behind for a few days have really made me think over the last couple of days. I know that God uses all events to draw us closer to him and mold us into his people and in that way I am grateful for what has happened. I found myself seeking him more in the last few days than ever before and I really felt like I drew closer to him. I realized that my everyday frustrations are really small in the grand scheme of things. Life is so precious and it is so important what we do during our lives. My cousin Patrick touched so many people with his kindness and his huge heart. I mourn for those that loved him the most and the void that will now need to be filled by his absense. My prayer is that his loved ones will allow God to fill that void in their lives and heart. And that they can now work toward meeting our savior when the time for our lives are over.
As for how things went in FL while I was gone...I came home to a clean house, clean dishes, clean laundry and clean children! As you can tell Ryan knows exactly what is important to me and how I like things! He is such a great father and husband. It actually made me feel a little unneeded until Molly told me a million times how much she missed me and loved me. I was so glad to see all of them...what a precious sight! Roz on the other hand acted a little strange. I got my hair cut & colored while I was gone and I think that she almost didn't recognize me....or she was giving me a hard time for being gone. As we left the airport she started to warm up a little and by the time we were out of Tampa she kept saying "mommy, mommy, mommy"! What a sweet sound! After dinner I took the girls to the grocery store so that Ryan could have a moment of peace and quiet and I think that it was good for everyone. I just can't say enough how good it is to be at home with my family.
Well, I need to get things back in order here before Molly needs to be picked up from school.
Until next time....

Saturday, September 13, 2008
Traveling again....
Roz and I will be flying to IN on Sunday morning and I would love for you to say a little prayer that we will have a safe flight and travels to/from the airports. Molly is staying with Ryan so I am sure that a prayer for the 2 of them alone for a couple of days wouldn't be in vain;)
The accountant at Molly's school also lost her son in a motorcycle accident this week. He was only 18 and his mother is a very sweet women. Please keep them in your prayers also.
Other than that not much has happened here at the Abel household. A couple of the thing that I wanted to share that the kids have done lately:
The other night while Ryan was putting the girls to bed, Roz fell and hit her head (this happens around 20 times a day). She started to cry and so I rocked her for a while before laying her down for the night. Molly decided that she needed to be rocked also and I just wasn't in the mood. I was looking forward to my 'free time' after the kids are tucked away in their beds and so I fought her on the issue. She moaned and cried and I have to admitt that I was a little harsh in explaining that I would rock tomorrow and that it was time for sleeping now. After 'the look' from Ryan I gave in and decided to rock her. Later that evening before I tucked myself in I was feeling a nudge that I should apologize to her and ask her to forgive me for not wanting to rock. I gently entered her room and asked her to forgive me for being so harsh. I told her that mommies make mistakes and that we need forgiveness sometimes too. She had a funny look most of the time that I was pouring out my heart and asking forgiveness and so after I was done with my speel I asked her if she wanted to say anything. She said "yes mom, could you take this booger from my finger and throw it away on your way out?" I guess that the point was for me to confess but I was really hoping for this precious moment between the two of us and she was worried about disposing of her booger the entire time...the joys of motherhood never stop!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Hello All
I have been trying to upload my pictures from our GA trip all week and it just hasn't went well. I haven't put a ton of effort forth but it is frustrating none-the-less. We had a great time and the trip was smooth for the most part. The van was like traveling in luxury! Everyone had their own space and I felt a lot less violated than I usually do after we make a road trip. Molly traveled like a pro, coloring and watching DVD's with little complaining or "Are we there yet" questions. Roz on the other hand wasn't such a pleasure. She is not interested in movies whatsoever and so entertaining her was a little bit of a challenge. She did fine for the trip to GA because it was mostly through the night and she slept. The trip home was quite the other case. The video that I posted last time says it all. We were all glad to be home and said that night travel is just the way to go for us right now.
We did tons of hiking, as you will see when I can get the pictures up, and really had a good time. The weather was nice and the waterfalls that we seen were running good. It was about the right amount of time to be gone and we are already looking forward to our next trip.
A couple of things that have been going on in my life:
I recently heard about from another mother at Molly's school. I thought I would give it a try...I am not a coupon clipper because I end up buying stuff that I would never have bought only to save $.50. Anyways, to make a long story short I saved over $27 on my first trip to the grocery store on the plan yesterday. We were so excited! I thought it was even fun. The first 4 weeks of membership costs only $1 and it is $10 for 8 weeks after that. Check it out...
Ryan is in full swing with school. He is taking 13 credit hours this semester along with his full time job and his fatherly & husband duties. It is definatly stressful for him but he handles it well and I have to admit that I admire his ambition to better himself and our family. This is one more reason that I haven't been able to blog lately. Every spare moment that Ryan has he is using the computer for homework or class.
Well I think that is all for now. Hopefully things will slow down a little in the coming weeks and I can keep up better.
Until then.....

Thursday, September 4, 2008
I'm back...
Until next time...

Saturday, August 23, 2008
Who knew...
Hurricane Fay turned out to be a fluke for us here in Sarasota. We didn't even get any rain! I am glad that we didn't get any damage but it seemed like a little bit of a disappointment after prepping for it all day monday. Across the state some places got 30 inches so I guess that I shouldn't complain.
Molly absolutly LOVES school and was disappointed today when I told her that she doesn't go on Saturdays. She learned a bible verse, several songs, all about the week of creation and had lots of fun on the playground with her friends. She has been such a good girl this week and I think that school is definately a big part of that. I look forward to all that she will learn this year.
Well I need to go. Until next time.....

Monday, August 18, 2008
First Day of School
Well I can't believe my little scholar is actually old enough for school. Molly started K-4 today and it was so exciting. She couldn't sleep last night from all of the anticipation and was up by 6:30am this morning ready to go. She looked so sweet with her new dress, shoes and backpack and I was so proud of her. She had zero seperation anxiety and did so well. When it came time for the kids to line up Molly actually did the high step all the way out of site...she just couldn't contain her excitement. Maddi came to our house for breakfast and we took her to school as well. She too did great and the two girls couldn't have planned it any better. Maddi wore a pink dress and had a purple backpack while Molly wore a purple dress with a pink backpack. It just added to how well things went.
Ryan said that his mom always had a fresh batch of cookies waiting for them when they got home from the first day of school. You know me, always looking to start a tradition, so I thought this would be a great one to follow. I asked Molly a few days ago what her favorite cookie was and of course she wanted the sprinkle cookies with icing. I should have known that she would pick the most complicated recipe in the recipe box but for the sake of tradition I was up for the challenge.
Roz and I played for a while after we got home from dropping them off and then the baking began. Did I mention that the recipe that Molly was referring to came from my great grandma Rachel (my g'pa Knepp's mother) and that it is called 'Church Cookies'. We have come to the conclusion that it must have been called that because one batch would literally feed a whole kidding. I had to pick Molly up at 12:30 and I still had a few more sheets of cookies to bake when I got home. It is a good thing those things freeze so well or my family would gain 10 lbs each after we were done with those things. They are super good though and we just can't resist every once in a won't kill us right?!?! (Legend has it that those cookies, or should I say a lack of self-control when it came to the cookies, are what put my aunt Patsy in labor with one of her eat at your own risk).
When we picked the girls up they said that they had tons of fun so I think everything went well. Molly has to sit between 2 boys and she said they were rowdy so hopefully that won't become a problem. She said that there were tons of things to do and they stayed busy so hopefully she will really enjoy the whole year. And the cookies were a huge hit too...she really had a great day!
School is already cancelled for tomorrow. Hurricane Fay has Sarasota County under a state of emergency so all the schools are closed. Hopefully we won't loose power and it won't turn into anything more than a massive rain maker, which isn't so bad since we are still behind on rainfall for the year. None-the-less we have tried to get ready in case it does pick up speed and force. I wanted to title this post "Fay, Fay Go Away" but I thought that Molly's school was ultimately more important. The weather thus far has been pretty mild with a small shower this afternoon (as I was trying to get the grass cut of course). The air this evening has been really pleasant and we actually sat outside and let the girls play it was so nice. This is not usually the case here in August so I guess it is just a sign of something coming. Pray that we will be safe.
I guess that is all for now. Until next time....